Our People

Faye Wyles

  • Partner - Audit

Our People

Faye Wyles

  • Partner - Audit

What do you do?

I am a Partner, which means that I am the main point of contact responsible for the overall client relationship. I take overall responsibility for service delivery to my clients, ensuring we deliver exactly what we say we will and as the RI, I am the person responsible for signing the audit opinions. I work closely with clients to design our audit approach focussing on areas that will bring most value to them, improving efficiency and minimising disruption to their teams as well as guiding them on any improvements that can be made.

Why do you do it?

If I am honest, I did fall into accountancy at 18 without really knowing what it was, I love it though and really happy I was so lucky to fall into a job I love. Everyone always asks me if I am good at maths, definitely not, I am good at questioning things that look odd, understanding different situations and scenarios and getting to know and understand clients’ businesses. I love building relationships and working closely with my clients, adding value and delivering a great service, it is what gets me up in the morning.

What kind of projects have you been involved in?

I have worked on so many projects for clients since working at Cooper Parry, recently I have helped several of my clients through a period of growth right through to sale. It is great to go on this journey with them, from start to finish and be there to witness the achievement from all the hard work involved. I work with businesses from many different sectors, though I particularly enjoy working with firms in the professional services sector.

What’s on top of your bucket list?

I’m not an adrenaline junky so my bucket list is fairly tame. We were encouraged to document our bucket list a few years ago by the CEO who spent time helping us individually to identify our dreams and make them come true. I have been slowly ticking them off, some are on hold (while my children are young) such as travelling round America and going on a safari, while others I am getting on with, like buying a house in the country with a meadow and room for animals.