Our People

Kimberley Clague

  • Tax Manager

Our People

Kimberley Clague

  • Tax Manager

What do you do?

I work in corporation tax, I basically help businesses become tax compliant by helping them with things such as their corporation tax returns to minimise the risk of receiving one of those nasty letters in the post from HMRC.

Why do you do it?

Well honestly it was not exactly what I dreamt of doing when I was younger, but actually I love it and I am really good at it!  What’s best is I work with an amazing team and at an amazing company.

What kind of projects have you been involved in?

Projects I have been involved in are things such as;

• Remuneration planning – which is basically ensuring business owners and directors are being remunerated in the most tax efficient way.  It’s really rewarding saving tax for people!

• Share scheme implementation – this is where employers can reward and incentivise their employees by giving their employee shares or options to buy shares in a tax efficient way.

• And succession planning – looking at tax efficient ways to pass a business on to their children and reduce the risk of a nasty IHT bill.

These are just a few of the rewarding projects I get involved in.

What’s on top of your bucket list?

Honestly, I have never really made a bucket list – I have goals and the biggest ambition for me (ever since I was 12 and we had to write down our sporting goals) was to compete at the Commonwealth Games in badminton for my home country – the Isle of Man.  I have actually done this 3 times now, the last one being the Gold Coast in 2018. Its been the most rewarding thing to achieve and definitely my proudest moment! I am not sure what is next now that I’ve achieved this – probably to make a bucket list!