4 April '23

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Hot on the heels of becoming the UK’s largest accountancy B Corp, we’ve created a new Associate Partner role. Sitting between Directors and Partners, the role is designed to give our people more recognition, more opportunity for development and well-defined career progression as we target five-fold growth over the next five years and scale nationwide.

The first cohort of Associate Partners features thirteen key figures from around the business, including:

  • Carolyn Pears, Finance
  • Nial Chantrill, Corporate Finance
  • Tom Summers, Corporate Finance
  • Salvatore Mingoia, Origination
  • Helen Scothern, Pensions Audit
  • Andrew Holloway, Tech & High Growth
  • Jake Mortland, Tax
  • Donna Challinor, Innovations
  • Bijesh Morjaria, Tax
  • Marie Smith, Cooper Parry Wealth
  • Faye Wyles, Audit
  • Steve Round, Transaction Tax
  • Sharon Kaur, Audit.

In February 2023, we also appointed ex-Deloitte Global MD, Timothy Mahapatra as Partner and Head of Deals.

Previously a strategic adviser to CP, Tim will lead and grow our Deals business, feeding into our wider growth plans, as well as looking for opportunities to broaden our advisory services and continually deliver more value to clients.

Ben Eason, Business Development Director, will become a Partner from the start of May. After quickly establishing himself as a big part of CP’s growth team, Ben has been going through our Partner track development process since November 2021.

ADE CHEATHAM, our CEO, said:

“Massive congratulations to all those who have been promoted and those currently working on the same path for their development. It’s great for them. But talent like this is also great for CP and our clients.

“I’m proud to say we’ve got some of the best people in our industry, and as we continue to grow quickly, rewarding them for their incredible work, attracting fresh new faces and maintaining CP’s one-of-a-kind culture are all hugely important.

“Creating an Associate Partner role has been a big step towards that, and I can’t think of a more deserving bunch.”